Welcome to <@U04V1RWRHPY> <@U04V8LJ8EUS> <@U04UU8Y...
# welcome
Welcome to @loud-spring-35539 @quaint-oyster-63068 @billions-toddler-84781 @adamant-umbrella-55437 @hallowed-hairdresser-79957 @freezing-flag-32480 @careful-postman-22473 @fast-belgium-77939 @loud-chef-48543 @wide-egg-20352 @broad-dentist-80514 👋. We invite you to say a little something about yourself and your organization, and what motivated you to take a closer look at Pants. You’ll be helping us improve future open source outreach, so thanks very much!
Thanks. I heard about it in a podcast and I am a pretty big fan of mono repos my self. Right now I am using it in a smaller mono repo which is basically a threat intel machine. Its use may be more driven by interest as compared to need. I am especially interested in the rust ecosystem, and investigating what it would take to become part of the community driving such functionality.
👋 4
If you mean you'd be interested in adding Rust support, that would certainly be welcome and I'm sure much appreciated. Which podcast was it? We've had team members guest on quite a few.
As far as I remember it was Talk python to me!
Hey! I'm at Color Health and we use pants heavily
Hi @freezing-flag-32480, nice to meet you!
👋 2
Hello there! I’m a research scientist at Carbon Re, where I focus on building useful things with ML that can help us significantly mitigate climate change. I’m also the person responsible for a lot of the fun pants-y extra work that @average-breakfast-91545 is currently putting time on 🙂 In a past life I spent a considerable amount of time fighting blaze and buck at $GOOG and $FB while shipping wild and overly complicated large scale ML nonsense, but have grown accustomed to the benefits of monorepos and hermetic builds and I am now a paying member of the cult..
👋 4
Haha, in all seriousness we don't encourage culty thinking around here. We try to make Pants highly adaptable so that it can serve a wide range of uses cases. Blaze and Buck have plenty of valid use cases too, and we encourage everyone to choose the tools best suited to their own needs. Of course, if there's a way we can make Pants more adaptable to your needs, we're always interested in hearing about that and learning more about Pants is used in the wild. User requests have often been the best sources of ideas!
We do have a lot of strong opinions around here about monorepos, and Pants serves monorepos particularly well. But if an org is using polyrepos because that's what makes best sense for their needs, we have no judgement about that and Pants is no less capable of serving them well.