Yayyyyy <https://docs.pydantic.dev/blog/pydantic-v...
# random
Yeah really looking forward to it.
I wonder if the size of the library will drop or stay constant - it's a beefy one
Also you will need rust devs to maintain it. I would imagine there are more python devs out there than rust.
I might be mistaken, but it's currently using C++ for some components?
You mean Cython? Or purely C++? I am not aware of it either.
Hehe I remember the
flame war about switching to Rust. I think that kinda took the brunt of the flame as the first large project to require a Rust toolchain to build from source
I saw the video where they discuss this, and the performance improvement was nuts
Which reminds me, it was on
which is a doomscroll of, well... GitHub drama. Avoiding clicking this link is recommended by your doctor/therapist as a safeguard for your own mental health.
Actually, I got hit by this on a Raspberry Pi of all places - the week before a release. I thought it wasn't even a major revision where they did it. A minor rev, or something, so my deps upgraded as expected
Yes they claim they do not follow semver
Of course, took about 5 minutes to fix - and I watched the video, and I was a plus 1 all around. Just a surprise
Ahhh, yes, that's right. And I had been happily in production, then a client asked for a new feature, which is when I did a dep upgrade (got hit by a chain of upgrades, all security-centric).
Was a chicken and egg scenario, where one of the tools I used required Crypto 3.5 or something, and it also hotfixed a huge security problem unrelatedly
And I think compiling Rust for that Pi I was using was... a nightmare
Y is always 0?
Feels like a who's on first