From what I can tell, pants defers a lot (all?) of...
# development
From what I can tell, pants defers a lot (all?) of the package management to pex. vnenv are created in ~/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs which symlink to ~/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/installed_wheels. My thought is if I can symlink from x4a3...pyarrow-8.0.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyarrow to deb40.../pyarrow....whl/pyarrow. So I think what I need to do is figure out what pants is passing to pex to build venvs for test, check, etc, a specific wheels, a dynamic lock file, other? Where does is do the actual install from the wheel or source to installed_wheels? Are there any gotchas? I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. Thanks