To clarify, it isn't `` that is doing ...
# general
To clarify, it isn't
that is doing lookup, it is the scie itself (via ptex?) I can see a populated cache
Copy code
[Container] 2023/03/03 14:26:50 Running command /root/.cache/scie/d036c571b74670fb7cccdb2ee973b51625c6419b29dd5e2e5390d6267b873904/bindings/pex_root/venvs/0ff9b45b281248cdbee3cc90962390828e692ba8/e7e0ac7bf7e1e828442be44b19c2da43e06ede6c/bin/python --version
Python 3.9.15
[Container] 2023/03/03 14:26:50 Running command pants version
Failed to fetch <>: [28] Timeout was reached (Failed to connect to <|> port 443 after 257615 ms: Couldn't connect to server)
Failed to fetch <>: [28] Timeout was reached (Failed to connect to <|> port 443 after 130887 ms: Couldn't connect to server)
Install failed: Command '['/root/.cache/scie/fd8ceac7b3026655b34b2c80997c18caeb7e8d64a9dd08c0340a5ced92f947d3/ptex', '<']'> returned non-zero exit status 1.
More information can be found in the log at: /root/.cache/scie/d036c571b74670fb7cccdb2ee973b51625c6419b29dd5e2e5390d6267b873904/bindings/logs/configure.log
but the
cmd wont use it, seemingly. I'm fairly sure it is a AWS CodeBuild issue, because I can launch the bare container with --network none and still use pants therein, so the cache is discoverable in a "regular" setting