Hi Pants team! First time pants user, long term bl...
# welcome
Hi Pants team! First time pants user, long term blaze/bazel user. Currently at Color Health and exploring migrating our existing code base.
👋 5
hi and welcome! 🙂 it would be very interesting to find out what you think of Pants after using Bazel. I know Twitter is migrating in the other direction (from Pants to Bazel).
Well I admit my experience with bazel is limited to toy projects at home. Used blaze on the job for 6+ years.
Really wanted something like that to be used here at Color, and giving pantsv2 a try because our (non frontend) codebase is 95% python.
💯 2
Nice! We're happy to help with migration questions. Meantime, have you seen the info on incremental migration? the
flags are really useful for easing Pants into a legacy codebase at your own pace. @proud-dentist-22844 came up with the key ideas while working on a gnarly migration for StackStorm. Pants also plays nicely with other build systems like Bazel, so you don't have to necessarily purge an existing system in order to gain the benefits of Pants immediately. We believe in giving users maximum flexibility to work in whatever way makes you happiest.
I will look at the
flags, thanks. We're coming from a world where everything (web apps, internal tools, ETL, genomics pipelines) runs in the same giant venv so I'm very much looking forward to the granularity this will give us
Heh. Pants has a lot of granularity.
This video was produced in May.


It gives a quick intro to incremental adoption, but the feature have advanced and refined more since then. So docs and changelogs will fill you in more.
Hi all. Peer and friend of Michael from Color. I'll be involved in some ways in helping adoption.
👋 5
Oh cool! How far along are you in adopting, and what challenges are you anticipating?
Michael would better be able to answer. He's been piloting on parts of the codebase.