Hi all, I’m Chris from Germany and it is great to ...
# welcome
Hi all, I’m Chris from Germany and it is great to be here! I’m very new to pants, and I would like to say thanks for this great tool. Currently, I’m using it in a monorepo and want to use it with GitLab CI pipelines. And here comes my first question. Is it just me having trouble getting it running with GitLab CI? I want to run python tests with the docker-image python:3.9.7 but always get errors like
native_engine_pyo3.PantsdClientException: The pantsd process was killed during the run
, and when I disable pantsd, it ends up in a timeout of the CI job itself. Is there any common best practice or an example how to use it with Gitlab CI?
👋 4
🎉 2
Hi Chris, and welcome! Just a heads up that those most knowledgeable regarding your question is probably asleep for another 4-6 hours.. 🙂
Hi Andreas, thanks for your reply, hehe, good to know 🙂
@billions-bear-56484 have you seen?: https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/using-pants-in-ci
Hi John, thanks for the link. I did read this, but the problem wasn’t related to pants but to the resources of the GitLab runner. Too less memory 🙂 So it is solved ✌️
Excellent! It sounded like it from the description. You may want to follow this issue: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/12662 which tracks an apparent memory overuse, possibly once that is addressed you can reduce your runner's memory reservations