Hi there, I'm Thomas. I'm a freelancing DevOps Eng...
# welcome
Hi there, I'm Thomas. I'm a freelancing DevOps Engineer evaluating Pants to become a tool in my arsenal.
👋 5
Very cool! Hope it's useful, feel free to ask any questions and share feedback 🙂 I'm curious, how did you hear about Pants?
Hi and welcome!
👏 1
We did a build system evaluation half a year ago in a company I was working for and Pants was brought to the evaluation from an experienced coworker.
Unfortunately at the time being Pants v2 was in full development so we decided against it but with version 2.9 I assume that Pants v2 is grown up enough to be interesting for productive usage. 🙂
💯 2
Oh very much so. And with 100 releases per year to the core project alone, it keeps getting better. We're also always interested in learning from users' feedback. Our objective is to make Pants the most adaptable modern build system for a wide variety of use cases. So if there's something you need or you have an idea, please do feel free to open an issue or start a discussion. (PRs are of course also welcome, if you're inclined; but you don't have to contribute code to be heard.)
Oh that is ambitious. Since I am searching for a build system that can satisfy all my needs that would be a good match. Currently for me docker, python, go and java is interesting. From bazel I liked the way they create docker images so it would definitely be cool to have this as an option, next to the processing of Dockerfiles.
👍 1
Would you elaborate on what's missing compared to what you're expecting? @curved-television-6568 wrote Pants' Docker support and I know he's interested in hearing from people who are using it.
Sure, they provide the possibility to define docker layers as targets and remove the creation timestamp and the relation to the previous layer. At the end there is a target where I can put all layer targets into one image. By removing the timestamp and the relation only the layers are rebuild that actually change (in contrast to the traditional build where all layers after the changing layer are also cache-invalidaded).
In the end, docker layers are only tar archives containing a directory structure and files, thus the order of the layers is not always important. Of course if you need an ordering, you can depend on specific layers for a new layer target, so e.g. a specific packages is actually available before execution.
This is not compatible to the dockerfile attempt so thats why I would see it as an optional way.
Ah gotcha. If you haven't already opened an issue for this, please do? That will kick off feedback and upvoting.
Sure, will do in the next days. First I want to get a docker build running with Pants to have some understanding.
👍 3
Sounds good. Thank you!