Hello everyone. Im an AI Solutions Architect at IB...
# welcome
Hello everyone. Im an AI Solutions Architect at IBM. We are planning to adopt Pants to help manage our python monorepo. I have been setting it up and I ran into an issue. I have to independent projects within the repo that have different versions of a package. Im using requirements.txt for maintaining the list of packages. In both BUILD file I have used the
macros. It says the system cannot decide unambiguously which one to use. Is there a good way to manage such issues?
👋 5
Hello, welcome! There is. Pants 2.10 is launching a feature called "multiple resolves" which lets you have multiple lockfiles to handle situations like this. I haven't finished the docs yet and won't be able to till Monday, but they are mostly complete. Check out https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.10/docs/3rd-party-rewrite#lockfiles You'll want to set
pants_version = "2.10.0rc2"
Thanks a lot for the info! That was very helpful. Will be waiting for 2.10 to be stable and then adopt it 🙂
Cool, we think we're close. The hope is this upcoming week, unless users find new bugs that block it