Hey! I am currently employed at <https://saftehnik...
# welcome
Hey! I am currently employed at https://saftehnika.com/ Aranet division and we are building LoRa powered IoT sensors. I am many embedded SW and HW engineer, but I also do some Python when I need to interface with PCs or automate things, like manufacturing equipment. PEX containers brought me here.
👋 7
I love seeing all the interesting and diverse use-cases for our technology!
Yeah, really neat. I'd love to hear more about which parts of the codebase you're able to use with Pants.
We are not using pants for now, just the
tool for wrapping Python apps into single-file applications for easier distribution. We have many manufacturing stations running linux on aarch64/arm7 and it is easy for us to scp over an updated application
Do you use micropython for your embedded code? If so, do you use pants to do it? and if so, can you open-source your plugin? I've put the embedded part of my project off because it feels like a distraction 🤣
No, we are using C++ for embedded. The targets are really small MCUs from STM and Nordic.