Just wanted to say you've all been an absolute joy...
# welcome
Just wanted to say you've all been an absolute joy to work with thus far. I've had lots of questions and a lot of core developers (who I'm sure are very busy) have jumped right in to answer my questions. For all the newcomers out there, this is a great community to work with. For all the folks that have helped me thus far, you all rock!
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Thanks, Kyle! That is really thoughtful of you to say that ❤️ @bitter-ability-32190 and I talked about this on a podcast coming out at the end of the summer about open source communities: we both got involved because others were so welcoming to us, so now we want to return the favor. "Pay it forward" 🙂
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Your success is our success ❤️
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Thanks for the feedback, that's really good to hear, as it's something we put a high premium on.
Thanks so much for saying this, @proud-appointment-36730. It's really rewarding to hear that the team's efforts to be welcoming and helpful are having real impact. "Developer joy" is literally our mission! Would it be okay to quote you on Twitter? We'd love to get the message out more widely, and there's no better testimonial than a user's own experience. ❤️
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Of course! More than welcome to quote
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Thanks! Oh and would it be okay to include this on the website's Testimonials page too? https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/testimonials
Thank you!