Hello, I’m Nate! I’m using pants for my open sourc...
# welcome
Hello, I’m Nate! I’m using pants for my open source project Moonshine, which is a set of tools and pre-trained models to simplify machine learning for remote sensing/satellite. The last 5 years in my day job I’ve been using bazel/blaze, and pants seems very nice for Python projects, especially when you don’t have a giant team to support the monorepo.
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Hey, welcome! Indeed, that's actually the mission of the project 😄 empower teams to have a joyful build experience, regardless of their size
I'm curious, how did you hear about Pants?
I think I googled “how the fuck to manage multiple Python environments in bazel”
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or something like that, I don’t know it’s all hazy
but it was the result of frustrated googling
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