Hello pants team! I'm Steve and I am currently in ...
# welcome
Hello pants team! I'm Steve and I am currently in early PoC trials within my company in an effort to adopt pants as a build system for our Python projects, hopefully with a goal on improving how we manage our code. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all more and hopefully get some help now and then (more likely now 😆 )
👋 4
Well cool, that's what we're here for! Always happy to field questions, feedback, ideas, PRs, etc. By any chance do you recall how you first learned about Pants? We're trying to develop a better understanding of which outreach efforts are most effective.
Sorry I hadn't seen your reply earlier @busy-vase-39202 ! In my case it was a Google search for “python monorepo tools” and I believe it was one of those “awesome…” lists that someone maintains on GH
Oh cool. Might it have been this one? https://github.com/korfuri/awesome-monorepo
Don't think so and I can't find the exact one I had before. One other thing I landed on early was a blog post from semaphore https://semaphoreci.com/blog/building-python-projects-with-pants
Oh nice!
Yeah, it's a good day when the person interviewing you is like "hmmm think I'll take a closer look at that thing you talked about" afterward. It was a lovely surprise when they published the tutorial. :-)
Of course, that was a year ago when Pants 2 was quite new. We've since added Go, Java, Kotlin, Scala, and Shell. So don't feel obliged to confine your experiments to Python if your codebase is more diverse. And we're always happy to entertain requests for additional languages. Especially if there's interest in collaborating to make it happen.