Hi, I'm a scala developer at Etsy. We use bazel f...
# welcome
Hi, I'm a scala developer at Etsy. We use bazel for a repo consisting mostly of python, java, and scala but with a bit of javascript, golang, and rust. I'm interested in pants for dependency inference and hoping for a more consistent experience than what we have with our current collection of bazel
👋 8
Welcome! Definitely let us know if we can help out 🙂 also cc @bitter-ability-32190 who just completed a very large migration from Bazel to Pants
I owe the pants blog a write-up I'm hoping to do this week when feeling less ill We're pure-python, so YMMV if you rely on many cross-language integrations, but I'm also working on a pants proposal to make this experience better. We went from 20k lines of Bazel to 2.3k of Pants
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🤯 1
My devs are only vocal when things go boom. Overall I'd like to say the experience has been very positive, after migration pains
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