Welcome <@U03PX6LTP8D> <@U03Q22TMDC2> <@U03QJR8246...
# welcome
Welcome @incalculable-grass-76623 @aloof-tent-90836 @creamy-ghost-8929 @white-lawyer-55041 @gentle-dentist-72404 @cool-yacht-37128! We invite you to say a little something about yourself, your company, and what motivated you to take a closer look at Pants. You'll be helping us improve future outreach — thanks so much!
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I'm from Orca Security and we are using pants to boost our workflow in monorepo.
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👋 I'm a software engineer at Valon, working on the platform team. We use Pants for some linting and codegen tasks, and are currently seeing if we can also use it for running tests.
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Cool! Pants is designed to be excellent for running tests, thanks to fine-grained caching, remote caching, etc. Which languages does your codebase use?
Python. I mentioned one challenge we ran into here. We also ran into some issues with the creation of the dependency tree taking a long time and not getting much benefit from it due to how our code base is too coupled, and too many erroneous imports are being pulled in. Eventually we hope it will provide a performance benefit!
We also ran into some issues with the creation of the dependency tree taking a long time
Can you make a post in #general with as much info as possible? (How long it took, output of
./pants list :: | wc -l
, etc...)
By "creation of the dependency tree" are you referring to the "Inferring dependencies" processes?
Yes, @happy-kitchen-89482, I think so. I'm not the primary engineer on this project. Let me sync up with the team and once I have more info I'll create a post in #general!
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@gentle-dentist-72404 invite them to join too! We can have a party 🎉
Thanks @gentle-dentist-72404. We'll look forward to helping y'all get that glitch sorted out soon.