Like <@U051221NF>, I just want to introduce myself...
# welcome
Like @happy-kitchen-89482, I just want to introduce myself as well. Hi, y'all 👋 . I head up developer relations for Toolchain and Pants. Previous to this I'd spearheaded devrel for RubyTogether and Rackspace's ZeroVM. I also was the founder/maintainer of CallbackWomen, a successful 8 year project to increase gender diversity at the podium of professional programmers' conferences. If you're ever unsure about who to talk to in Pants community, or where to raise your question or idea, feel free to give me a ping. Happy to help connect folks! Ditto if you want help getting started as a contributor to the project, whether it be via code, docs, blog, testimonial, case study, speaking at a meetup or conference, or something else. We love ushering new people into the team, and providing whatever mentorship support is needed to make that successful. Cheers!
❤️ 9
I also am co-organizer of We So Crafty, a slack community of techies who craft. Happy to give out invites to fellow craftypersons!