Hi community, I am an engineer at mewt, a fintech ...
# welcome
Hi community, I am an engineer at mewt, a fintech startup which is trying to make banking a no brainer and hassles-free for small and medium businesses. I lead the backend and the devops. We have a microservice arch with each microservice sitting in it's own repo and soon enough I started to feel the issues with distributed repos that even a small change took significant time to implement across the board. What led me to pants was my exploration of monorepo and then the talk by @happy-kitchen-89482 helped me to decide that mono repo indeed has a higher value that distributed repos. Since our backend is in django so I shortlisted bazel and pants to try out. I stated off with bazel cuz it seemed to be more popular and robust as per reviews, but after trying that out for over a week I could not setup that up for my django project and I tried a little more but when I kind of reached a dead end I decided to gave up on bazel. I then tried out pants and could get it to work today 🤗, and I am quite happy about it. Though the journey is still quite long for full migration but since the learning curve doesn't seem to be too steep, so I am quite positive.
👋 6
Welcome! Double checking that you saw this repo: https://github.com/pantsbuild/example-django We're happy to help with any questions 🙂
Glad to hear my talk was helpful! We have several features custom-built to work well with Django (e.g., so that makemigrations and runserver work properly). I should probably write up a blog post about those, since we have more and more Django users interested in Pants
Sure I did Eric. And such a blog would so helpful Benjy.
Welcome @handsome-sunset-98068 and +1 on that blog post idea. We're pleased that first experience with Pants went so well. A big design goal for Pants 2 was that joy should be the default developer experience, so it always is heart-warming to hear stories like these. Might it be okay to include this on the Testimonials page..? https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/testimonials
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I am an engineer at (Mewt)[<https://mewt.in/>], a fintech startup which is trying to make banking a no brainer and hassles-free for small and medium businesses. I lead the backend and the devops. We have a microservice architecture with each microservice sitting in its own repo, and soon enough I started to feel the issues with distributed repos that even a small change took significant time to implement across the board. What led me to Pants was my exploration of monorepos, and then the talk by Benjy Weinberger helped me to decide that monorepos indeed have a higher value than distributed repos. Since our backend is in Django, I shortlisted Bazel and Pants to try out. 

I stated off with Bazel because it seemed to be more popular and robust as per reviews, but after trying that out for over a week I could not setup that up for my Django project. I tried a little more but when I kind of reached a dead end I decided to gave up on Bazel. I then tried out Pants and could get it to work today, and I am quite happy about it. Though the journey is still quite long for full migration, the learning curve doesn't seem to be too steep. So I am quite positive.
Yeah that is absolutely fine.
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