Welcome <@U03V7UKBLQJ> <@U03V382M0HL> <@U03VBHDKS1...
# welcome
Welcome @nice-machine-77006 @microscopic-apple-83230 @proud-vr-87793 @witty-lamp-25263 @colossal-angle-79806! We invite you too to say a little something about yourself, your company, and what motivated you to take a closer look at Pants. You'll be helping us improve future outreach — thanks so much.
hello! a coworker of mine is investigating pants to help with ever-growing CI build times. I’m on the FE team so I’m personally excited for on any developments on the JS side of things.
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Pants team is heavy on backend dev tooling experience, light on JS ecosystem experience. So we're very eager to partner with a team that understands that side much better than we do, and can help us spec out JS support in a way that contributes needed value to that community rather than just duplicates capabilities found in the excellent pre-existing build systems for JS. If you have Opinions[TM], consider that an opportunity and invite. 😉
Hey! I'm an applied scientist at Descartes Labs. We're building applications and services in the machine learning/AI space using satellite imagery. We're finding ourselves using more and more common code among individual services, and figured we'd migrate to a monorepo structure to organise our code! Which is where Pants comes in. 😄
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Cool! @proud-vr-87793 how far along are you in adopting Pants?
Just barely! Less than a week. In fact, everything Pants-related still remains on a branch in git. Liking it so far, though!
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