Do we want to email pants-devel about 2.2 requirin...
# announce
Do we want to email pants-devel about 2.2 requiring Python 3.7 or 3.8 to run? Or the deprecation warning in 2.1 is adequate?
bump @happy-kitchen-89482 @witty-crayon-22786
It's worth calling out explicitly
do we offer to delay until 2.3 if it poses a substantial barrier? if someone asks for that, we’ll end up needing to do a 2.1.1 release and revert some PRs landed in master
worth offering probably
k, I’ll wait to merge until Tuesday then
Any feedback before I send? title: PSA: Pants 2.2 will require Python 3.7 or 3.8 to run
Copy code

We are planning for Pants 2.1 to be the last release that can be run with a Python 3.6 interpreter. This means that you will need a 3.7 or 3.8 interpreter discoverable on your machine/CI to run Pants moving forward.

You will also need to update your `./pants` script by running `curl -L -o ./pants <>`.

This does not impact what interpreter your own code runs with, outside of ensuring any Pants plugin code will work with Python 3.7+.

Please let us know if this will be a burden for you, and we can delay this change.

Eric Arellano

(Why do this? It makes it easier for us to add support for running Pants on more platforms like ARM.)
That’s fine if I should drop the “Why do this?” Personally, I like knowing the reason - makes deprecations like this seem less arbitrary and annoying
👍 2