Oh I’m on release today. Will get to it late this ...
# announce
Oh I’m on release today. Will get to it late this evening
Oh I started the 2.1.0rc2 release already. Only need to cp the release notes and bump the version, then run the script and email Are you cool with me handing it off? We don’t want to start 2.2.0.dev0 yet
ah sure. thanks Eric! let me know if I should take over the next one then
Oh I mean if you’re cool with me handing off the rest to you tonight
Oh ok sure. Sorry misunderstood it. Anything additional you like to add to the announcement on top of the regular RC email content?
Thanks! Feel free to mostly copy https://groups.google.com/g/pants-devel/c/q7Qa0fEs6D0/m/YJtmbCbwAAAJ. The important thing to mention is something along these lines:
As mentioned in https://groups.google.com/g/pants-devel/c/fIPGGVFlnC0/m/wJLlujKDAQAJ, we plan for this to be the last release to support running Pants through a Python 3.6 interpreter. Please see that email or the deprecation warning for more info, and let us know if this will be a blocker.
Feel free to tweak that wording also. I struggle with knowing how to communicate this is purely what you run the tool with, not what your own code needs to be
There was lots of confusion with Python 2 -> 3 about that, so maybe it is worth being explicit about that again here…maybe could be like an asterisk or something with a note at the bottom
Thanks! Will let you know in case there’s any question
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Thanks @wide-energy-11069!
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