daemon seems to be dying here: ```D0401 08:18:33.5...
# development
daemon seems to be dying here:
Copy code
D0401 08:18:33.588778 12982 pailgun_service.py:67] warming the product graph via <pants.pantsd.service.scheduler_service.SchedulerServic
e object at 0x35eb090>
D0401 08:18:33.588963 12982 engine_initializer.py:80] warming target_roots for: LiteralTargetRoots(OrderedSet())
D0401 08:18:33.589289 12982 native.py:277] Launching 0 roots. <— never gets past this line in CI
D0401 08:18:33.589530 12982 scheduler.py:483] ran 0 scheduling iterations and 0 runnables in 0.000300 seconds. there are 0 total nodes.
D0401 08:18:33.590044 12982 process_manager.py:194] purging metadata directory: /home/kwilson/dev/pants/.pids/pantsd-run-2017-04-01T08_1
D0401 08:18:33.590799 12982 process_manager.py:425] forking <pants.bin.daemon_pants_runner.DaemonPantsRunner object at 0x7f9c941a2390>