that way when there are no sources, in that codepa...
# development
that way when there are no sources, in that codepath, we could explicitly specify a
Yeah - I'm more concerned with enabling aggregator poms at all. There are 0 good use cases for them. I think my latest comment on the PR explains why an aggregator is always bad. We should not add affordances to create them imo.
This is particularly striking for util / finagle since the suffering from the netty rename was felt acutely! I think though that was either far enough in the past or else csl is not connecting the dots that they are doing the same thing all over again.
I'm happy to explain the problem better if its unclear. It probably deserves a doc or blogpost or PR to
👍 1
I think its mostly clear but to state the gist that I understand - when they went from one one project to several smaller projects - they should have renamed the top level?
@enough-analyst-54434: i did describe a usecase in my reply on the issue
the should have renamed classes.
The use case is just not valid
while i agree that "breaking your api" is a solution, it's an extremely expensive solution
Its the only right one
Its just a not well understood fact that packaging a public API - in any language - is a heavy choice
Devs understand the public API itself is a heavy choice
But they haven't internalized that picking the packaging is too
well, sure. but there are heavy choices, and then there are hairshirts
over my head
monks would wear "hairshirts" to punish themselves
Ah, never heard of that
At any case, this looks to me like the user can already workaround. And the pain pants provides sends all the right signals
(i'm probably misspelling it)
SO this feels like caving to bad behavior - unintentional - but bad behavior
i'm not sure i agree. telling people that it should be painful to refactor their code is not a great signal
our goal should be to enable that
7 years after util-core was created they finally decided to follow go/111
That I agree, but agrregator poms don't do that
i would love to not make that painful for them
shading magic, custom classloaders, etc do
it enables a more seemless migration, as mentioned above
Alright - we fundamentally disagree on this one. It enable lazy migration, not seamless
At any rate, the pain existing here for the user is non-existent, an ugly classfile. The ugly classfile could be renamed - BeCarefuleNextTimeBecauseTheecosystemDoesNotYetSupportJarRefactoringEvenThoughtPantsMakesItLookEasy
I do agree, a comprehensive solution that actually supported jar or python dist or what have you re-granularization would be great.
7 years after util-core was created they finally decided to follow go/111
That is great! The problem was not continuing to publish the original fatter jar until sane migration could be figured out for folks who needed jars.
hm. the ecosystem supports
packaging, no?
It does, but it suffers the problem you pointed out. In any ecosystem doing resolving of this sort, an aggregator dep set subverts the resolver
hm... wait. i was suggesting that an aggregator is a solution to the two problems i showed
you can get same name via different artifacts and runtime issue
It is not if I've thought through this right
if the aggregator exists, it solves this problem
Let me sketch a bit, I believe it definitely does not
two distinct subgraphs are not joined unless they share an artifact id
without the aggregator, they are not joined
Just so I'm clear on what util did, they took an artifact named bob that contained a bunch of classes and turned bob into an emptry aggregator that pointed at jane and greg, each of which got a portion of the original classes owned by bob
Is that right?
thats correct
OK - sketching...
@enough-analyst-54434, @salmon-summer-38098:
with no aggregator, there is nothing to "knock out"
, so you get two copies of classfiles
with an aggregator,
(is pom-packaged and) knocks out
Copy code
bob.1 [a.1, b.1]

  -> jane.1 [a.1]
  -> greg.1 [b.2]

  -> greg.1
  -> foo -> bob.1
Here there is T(old util) and T+1(new util)
Since util did not rename classes, project blows up at runtime since both file b.1 and b.2 are on the classpath
And b.1 and b.2 are the same filename, just API changed versions of the file.
(responding to borja's thing, back in a sec)
Scanning back through what you said Stu - the knockout case is the happy path. I illustrate the path when there is no aggregator-level knock-out.
Basically, any time you have a dependency on the old fat artifact and transitively you get a library doing the right thing and depending directly on the new thinner targets.
I'll finish off an issue I have started tracking enabling the hard case the right way. Again - I do agree enabling artifact refactoring would be amazing. But an aggregator artifact just doesn't do it.
@enough-analyst-54434: i don't understand why...
in the diagram i showed, are you suggesting that
does not knock out
Knock-out totally works. It does not cover all cases.
(keeping in mind that this would likely be transitively somewhere under that
root i drew)
hm, ok
in the sense that once you remove the aggregator, the solution stops working?
All I'm saying is an aggregator does not solve the problem of moving artifact contents or splitting them. My example shows how it fails.
It solves the happy path, so may be better than not having one. But currently the only way to move or split artifacts safely in jvm, python, anything I'm aware of - is renaming symbols
ahhh, i see. if someone has already migrated to the new split packages, then they lose the protection of the aggregator
Solving that issue well is exactly the sort of thing Toolchain would like to do
ok, thanks
Yeah, hopefully util understands the devil's bargain they made. Users will hit problems even with an aggregator.
The only right way to do this in today's world is to be up front and rename symbols and let the user suffer compile time pain
given that it is a (even flawed) tool that the ecosystem provides though, exposing the tool seems worthwhile
That is what I disagree on
Anyone who wants to make the arguably poor choice can do it
They just need to hack in a file
... but i see what you're saying. if people think that it works and is enough, then they'll get a false sense of security.
I think that is great peer pressure from Pants not to do it or at least to realize what is being done is shady
The probelm is that the peer pressure is not direct and explicit, so in the issue I filed an 'a' option
Which is to make whatever Ity's PR lands on a more explicity called out problem maybe with warnings? I don't know.
.. but i see what you're saying. if people think that it works and is enough, then they'll get a false sense of security.
FWIW - this was exactly the case with the netty rename debacle
reading both of yours explanation and thinking about this more - I think it makes sense to discard this PR.
I think making aggregator pom an easier solution will end up hiding the fact that this is not an ideal way to refactor.
although I agree, we need a written explanation for this somewhere
👍 1
yep, agreed. thanks for the discussion john.
since, its something thats bound to come up again (and it sounds like it had come up at some point in time earlier)
OK - great. Thanks for bearing with me on the round-about explanation.
no, thank you for taking the time to explain!
both of you 🙂
I transferred the bob jane & greg explanation to the issue and expanded a bit. Hopefully clear and maybe something you can point complaining folks to if they are unhappy.