# development
https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/announcing-rust-2018-beta-release/8901 ... i might start this tonight, if @average-vr-56795 hasn't already?
I last tried beta 2 IIRC
The big thing that didn't Just Work with autofixes was that extern crates got removed but the attributes attached to them didn't, which broke some things; I got rid of a lot of our crate attributes, and I assume they've fixed that bug
would you be in favor of pinning to this release?
Feel free to have a play :) I have a local branch somewhere but it was basically generated by running cargo fix a bunch of times
...or, hm. is the idea that we would wait for
, and then do it?
oh. i think i get it. "help test the beta" means, upgrade to a 1.31 candidate, which represents the expected final first 2018
so maybe we don't upgrade quite yet, but we attempt the upgrade and post it somewhere to land post 1.31
May be worth waiting until clippy and rustfmt come out of preview, but sure, works for me. IIRC it goes stable on Dec 6th, which I was intending to update on, but happy to beta for a bit
Aha your messages all came in after I sent mine! Silly undergroundness
I suspect as the upgrade is basically mechanical, and Borja and I will be making some non-trivial rust changes in the next couple of weeks, probably not worth keeping the branch around
We should definitely upgrade when it hits stable - can play around before or not. I will probably do a test update this week if you don't :)
ok. i'll give it a go tonight if i have time
Cool :)
I'm curious about both how many random scopes we can drop because of NLL, and how to identify them without just reading all our code
mm, yea. good question.
there is always some other goalpost, but i'm realizing that borrowing across async boundaries is going to be the big big thing.
and that's still post async stabilization
That's the big migration piece I have no clue about. But also, we don't need to drop the extra scopes, it would just be nice to...
Yeah, async borrows will be fancy. On the plus side, they're making good pace at developing that area :)
yea, i don't know how many there will be. but they also shouldn't (?) affect performance
indeed! the stabilization rfcs have been lively, but seemingly converging
Yeah, no performance, just a code simplicity thing. I believe NLL only applies to the borrow checker, and doesn't change any drop semantics (otherwise scary things would happen), just just a widening of what code is accepted
I ended up giving the migration a go; filed one bug with them (linked on the above thread)... Will push a branch for the sake of interest :)
Oh dear, I just hit an ICE :(
Yay! It was all worthwhile =D