the text being "too long" is due to using `impl De...
# development
the text being "too long" is due to using
impl Debug
rendering of nodes as their representation... there is some design work to do to decide what we want to replace that with.
what I'm seeing is I think newlines not being handled correctly
Copy code
Starting tests: tests/python/pants_test/util:dirutil
⚡("ExecuteProcess(ExecuteProcessRequest { argv: [\"python\", \"./pytest-with-requirements.pex\"], env: {\"LANG\": \"en_US.utf8\", \"LC_ALL\": \"en_US.utf8\", \"PATH\": \"/home/gregs/code/pants/build-support/pants
⚡19:40:05 [INFO] Tests succeeded: tests/python/pants_test/util:dirutil
                                                                       tests/python/pants_test/util:dirutil stdout:
                                                                                                                   ============================= test session starts ==============================
                                                                                                                                                                                                   platform linux -- 
Python 3.7.3, pytest-3.6.4, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.7.1
                                                  rootdir: /home/gregs/code/pants/.pants.d/process-executionnO0ged, inifile:
                                                                                                                            plugins: cov-2.4.0, timeout-1.2.1
                                                                                                                                                             collected 46 items
that output at the end is exactly what your changes are intended to fix.
that should be rendered into the EngineDisplay to avoid breaking rendering
...oh, although it's possible that that is going to stdout/stderr, rather than to a logger
yea, sorry. the stuff at the end is going straight to stdout. so it's probably a followup ticket.
so: re the stdout/stderr: that will be a separate ticket. @red-balloon-89377: maybe you can open that one tomorrow?
basically: output to the
object should not go directly to stdout; rather, "into the EngineDisplay". whether it renders above or below the per-task rendering is an open question
the thoughts there represent only my own, and would definitely love any feedback, or alternative solutions. cc\ @hundreds-breakfast-49010 @witty-crayon-22786 (possibly also @aloof-angle-91616)
likely a flake. restarted.
that shard flakes a lot and may require some work soon to fix up, sorry
will merge in a bit.
I noticed that test in the travis UI had a ! instead of a X
what does that mean?
timeout rather than failure
be careful though because at the top of the travis run it will show the status for the whole run, and for some reason, the precedence of statuses goes (check) < (x) < (!), so if you have a real failure (x) in one shard and a timeout (!) in another, it only displays the (!) at the top. so you have to scroll down. but usually this won't be a problem unless you like me are prone to hitting restart build without looking very hard.
the implication being that you usually wouldn't want to restart an (x)
merged: thanks!