Before I get too far into the weeds, how does this...
# development
Before I get too far into the weeds, how does this approach sound for V2 pytest runner? Right now, we create a PEX with all 3rd party deps. We then feed that pex all the source files as direct input, which causes issues with source roots. We resolved that we should be using pex’s
to properly handle source roots. So, we would create one PEX purely with sources, one purely with 3rd party deps, and then merge the two using
Alternatively, could we just directly create one single PEX with all the 3rd party deps + source files?
separate pexes for 3rdparty deps and source files is an important optimization, so would preserve that
👍 1
but yea, that sounds good. i think there are different pex CLI args for "resources" vs "sources"
Good point on caching. Sounds good!
Yes, there are