hey, newbie question here — I’m looking at the rus...
# development
hey, newbie question here — I’m looking at the rust engine and trying to run the tests from the master branch, and running into some test failures. Don’t know if it’s a “my environment” thing or a known issue or what, but this is what is happening:
Copy code
> /build-support/bin/native/cargo test --manifest-path src/rust/engine/Cargo.toml --all
<lots of tests pass>
   Doc-tests bazel_protos

running 7 tests
test src/gen_for_tower/google/api/mod.rs - gen_for_tower::google::api::HttpRule (line 123) ... FAILED
test src/gen_for_tower/google/api/mod.rs - gen_for_tower::google::api::HttpRule (line 153) ... FAILED
test src/gen_for_tower/google/api/mod.rs - gen_for_tower::google::api::HttpRule (line 26) ... FAILED
test src/gen_for_tower/google/api/mod.rs - gen_for_tower::google::api::HttpRule (line 68) ... FAILED
test src/gen_for_tower/google/api/mod.rs - gen_for_tower::google::api::HttpRule (line 46) ... FAILED
test src/gen_for_tower/google/api/mod.rs - gen_for_tower::google::api::HttpRule (line 95) ... FAILED
test src/gen_for_tower/google/api/mod.rs - gen_for_tower::google::api::HttpRule (line 196) ... FAILED


---- src/gen_for_tower/google/api/mod.rs - gen_for_tower::google::api::HttpRule (line 123) stdout ----
error: expected one of `!`, `.`, `::`, `;`, `?`, `{`, `}`, or an operator, found `Messaging`
 --> src/gen_for_tower/google/api/mod.rs:124:9
3 | service Messaging {
  |         ^^^^^^^^^ expected one of 8 possible tokens here

error: aborting due to previous error

Couldn't compile the test.
Anything to worry about, or any known workaround?
is the flag you want to cargo - we have auto-generated code which has invalid doc comments which rust thinks are doc tests, and that flag is the way to say don't try to run them