what’s the story on eventually deprecating intrins...
# development
what’s the story on eventually deprecating intrinsics? could we make an
apropos of nothing in particular!
Atm, there’s no need to deprecate. Engine is still private API
As in, deciding we no longer want there to exist some mapping from one type to another? I don't think anyone's really thought about it much...
But yeah, calling Python functions from rust is trivial, so, I guess that
“engine is still a private api” is great :) that approach has been working great so far
💯 2
Agreed! We’re still in too much of an experimental stage to make public. Every iteration, we get closer to a good and stable API
what intrinsic does it make sense to deprecate?
i said apropos of nothing!!!!
i want to expose a wrapper for
in v2 because i’m using that for an experiment
i have a branch which makes it SO, SO, SO nice to invoke a bash script as a process execution request
the only blocker is the v2 BinaryTool rules PR
and using bash scripts hygeinically might be a neat way to implement lots of common little fs manipulations
cc @dry-analyst-73584 who asked about using bash scripts in rules a while ago
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I'm not sure how I feel about using bash scripts to do file system manipulations
it's easy to get subtle things wrong in bash
like mis-escaping an argument and writing the wrong file or what have you
I'd rather see the engine provide the ability to do whatever file system operations we need
👍 1
+1 to specific APIs rather than general bash :)
there is an 80/20 line, i expect.