Should we have `--test-fail-fast` in V2? We have `...
# development
Should we have
in V2? We have
for example. This would be a top-level goal, not per-language
to the "top-level" part: definitely top-level if that's straightforward. i'm not sure that it is =/
I think it is! Pretty sure the logic would live in the
. Notably, the language backends only know how to work on one target at a time, so the logic couldn’t live in the language backends I don’t think we have a way to “cancel” `await Get`s though..
more critically, you don't have a way to return early.
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the coordinator will block until they have all completed.
so the test runners would need to know to raise an exception to fail fast.
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or... *mumble mumble "changes to MultiGet to add something like". but much larger change.
Hm, okay not an easy win, then. CC @hundreds-breakfast-49010. I think Toolchain may want this feature in the medium term
but this feels related to the coverage thing
ie: we agree it should be top-level: we just need to decide how that information is pushed down to runners
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