# development
@witty-crayon-22786 @dry-policeman-7927 @red-balloon-89377 @fancy-motherboard-24956 @average-vr-56795 @hundreds-breakfast-49010 would it be at all useful if i looked at trying to port pants to the
crate (https://github.com/tokio-rs/tracing) to make it easier to define v2 workunit spans in rust? we could even spawn a zipkin span for every single method call if we wanted to, as well as every hop across the FFI boundary. the github page has a few examples describing why we might want to do this. the
crate also decouples creating spans and logging those spans, where logging is delegated too a
. the two parts this needs are: (1) to port to the
crate, which i've started (a while ago) here: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/7395 (2) to implement a
for zipkin, which i've mostly done here: https://github.com/cosmicexplorer/learning-progress-bar/blob/master/zipkin/src/lib.rs, and can upstream in a separate PR
It's potentially useful, yea, although maybe not the highest priority. Given that Toolchain is actively consuming the spans that are currently generated, you'd want to make sure that they'll have time to sanity check the changes against their consumers
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(but what is the highest priority anyway? *shrug)
😂 2
def not high priority
was just looking through old PRs
I suppose that if optimization is a high priority, then having more options for profiling is handy.
But we're doing less profiling of the rust code and more profiling of the python code right now, so
yes i think so that would be my primary motivation to do it
ok great
it would work with python too
sorry, yeah
Yea. Could expose rust tracing methods to python, but it's a bit orthogonal.
👍 1
@aloof-angle-91616 I spent a couple of hours last week trying to start using
to replace the current `WorkUnit`/`WorkUnitStore` abstraction and didn't get anywhere, so I decided it might be a better use of time to just continue using those abstractions
it sounds like you might've done more thinking about this than I have. I had just learned about the
crate when I was doing that
on the other hand, toolchain needs some additional functionality out of Workunit reporting that I was hoping to implement this week (on top of the existing
abstraction), so I'd rather not spend time right now changing how that system works
👍 1
so. stopping a bit short of actually migrating to the tracing crate, how would folks feel about a patch to make the workunit_store thread/task local? we currently manually pass it everywhere, and similar to logging and the trace ids themselves, that's pretty clearly not necessary
it would touch... a lot of stuff.
i would love to review that or break off a part of that if it would help
but would be almost entirely "remove the parameter"
👍 1
@hundreds-breakfast-49010 , @aloof-angle-91616: would that break any patches you're trying to move on?
not me!
ok, i now think that we should in fact move to
. i think that this patch will be a good step in that direction, but the thread/task local management is too wheel-reinventy.
afaict though, the "zipkin-aware Subscriber" doesn't need to be a round-one change... it can be a followup.
instead it seems like a WorkUnitStore-aware Subscriber would allow for minimal code change in a first shot. and then later we could replace the WorkUnitStore as well.
@witty-crayon-22786 not right now, so I'd be more than happy to review such a patch now beofre I do make any changes