“truly extensible” feels like mildly aggressive wo...
# development
“truly extensible” feels like mildly aggressive wording. could possibly be phrased as “i was thinking recently about pants and extensibility [or provide some other context] and i realized v2 rules don’t have a flexibility that v1 rules do” or something
I’m sorry. That was not my intent at all, and I’m also exhausted from staying up late playing Civ 6 so probably not very eloquent right now 🙈 To be clear, V2 is exceptionally extensible. Impressively so. This is only one tiny missing mechanism that would make it even more extensible.
civ 6 is great! i assume they've fixed the nuclear gandhi bug at this point haha
it's not a problem -- i knew your intent was good. i wanted to mention it regardless
❤️ 1
Heh nuclear Gandhi was a bug in civ 1 or 2 (overflow) that is now a key design 😂