<@U04S45AHA>: i followed up on the explicit getter...
# development
@enough-analyst-54434: i followed up on the explicit getter thing
I have always liked this better, but I'm looking for what you all think.
which isn’t great. i think i thought that there would be more opportunity to give better names, but in this case at least it was boilerplate
because you’re probably going to name it a variant of the types
or that would be a convention
but un-enforced
I'll let you all decide. I'd happily trade the ast parsing for explicit injection like that.
from a user perspective, i don’t see the benefit. it’s simpler to implement of course, and i haven’t touched that code in a long time, so maybe that’s justified. but.
As a clearly odd user, I like that I have just rules now and my dependencies are explicit on those rules (more clear you're asking for a "rule" when named GetRule). It's clear others don't feel this way I think.
i think the flip side of that is that “my function has a lot of arguments” is maybe not something that users count as a benefit… perhaps they would prefer global singletons, for example.
you removed most of the boilerplate of having function arguments by killing the
syntax, which was awesome.
I think my function has alot of arguments is a good smell pushback.
It should be easier to factor out functions.
yea. and without all of the dependencies of the function being literally in the arguments, you have to say it differently… “lots of dependencies” rather than “lots of arguments”
Basically this all reads exactly like constructor DI in java to me with Guice and that was exactly a good smell to react to.
This rule does way too much.
i just think that in this case the cost of the forced boilerplate is higher than the benefit. someone sniffing for “rule is too big” can still count args+gets to apply their lint