Hm. I have no idea how with explicit deps in BUILD...
# development
Hm. I have no idea how with explicit deps in BUILD files we plan to distinguish between what is a target address vs. a generated subtarget. If there’s a
, then we know it’s a target address. Otherwise, we don’t know how to distinguish between the address shorthand of leaving off
when the parent directory is
. It’s not reliable to look for a file extension, because not all files have it and dirs can have them. We can’t call
because that’s not engine safe, afacit.
With file args, we tried our best to solve this via several heuristics: 1. if
is there, it’s an address. 2. if there’s a file suffix, assume it’s a file. 3. Finally, call
3) continues to be a way to break this tie, i think
the Specs are parsed outside the engine right now, iirc. could move parsing in if you want that operation cached (and then use a Snapshot)
(but as long as it’s outside, it’s relatively safe to do)
Yes, but this needs to happen within the resolve dependencies rule
ah. yea, then the Snapshot equivalent of “is_file”, probably. makes it a bit more important to do this at the directory level, probably.
and more reason to follow up on the “list without Snapshotting” thing… it’s on my list.
Okay. For the sake of landing this, I’ll for now assume anything without an extension is a directory, meaning shorthand for address. This is a pretty particular edge case: you’re using explicit generated subtargets (rather than dep inference) on a file without an extension