I think I've identified an issue with `async_semap...
# development
I think I've identified an issue with
https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/blob/master/src/rust/engine/async_semaphore/src/lib.rs#L103 <- whenever we drop a
, we increment
, which is an integer, but we only look at the front item in the
so if we have a case where we spawn a bunch of processes on a
all at once, more than the limit
when the first
processes finish, they'll increment the available count but call
on the same waiting process
so if a batch of processes finishes at roughly the same time, they'll only wake up one waiting process, not
waiting processes
this may or may not be what's going on with the slot ID bug being discussed in #getting-started but it seems incorrect to me
@witty-crayon-22786 do you have any thoughts?
… we should switch to tokio semaphore if possible.
and then implement the “slot” feature some other way.
that's probably a good long-term idea
i need to work on other things, but if the gist of the above is that the semaphore is buggy, then i would strongly endorse switching. because it isn’t the first time
tokio’s semaphore didn’t exist when I wrote that.
definitely makes sense (long-term) to use a common library functionality instead of bespoke code
re: slots: could literally do it with integers in a Stack/Vec under a mutex.
https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/10436 might fix things more quickly for the person who's having issues today
i mean, as i said: if the semaphore is buggy now, let’s switch. but yea, thanks for investigating.
@hundreds-breakfast-49010: we’re probably not going to do a release today, so maybe keep that fix green, and then if you’re still happy with it as we ramp up to a release, we can land it.
or whatever
just lemme know.
the above draft PR added a new, more comprehensive test for sane concurrency ID numbers in
, which only passes if I make that adjustment to the call to
in the drop impl
so I'm hoping that this will solve that person's problem and if so we should merge it soon-ish. I do think it makes sense to stop using custom semaphor code, but unless it's really easy to swap it out I think that's better off as a post-2.0 thing
we need to independently discuss when we’re going to do the next release. i’ll be able to discuss that starting in a few hours
so i’m going to snooze this conversation for a few hours, and then we land that and cut another release, or land any other fix.
@fast-nail-55400 would also be a good reviewer for that change, probably.
👍 1
Looking at it now, I don't know enough Rust to review the code in any depth, but I can reason about concurrency.
experimenting with this code more on my dev laptop, I don't think this actually solves the problem
I think we actually need to explicitly keep a set of used concurrency IDs in the
data structure, and I have some changes locally that do this and are passing tests
so I'll update that PR in a bit
(basically, if we use the value of
as an effective id, once enough tasks are scheduled to exhaust the ids, we end up assigning an id of
whenever a particular task finishes. so we count down from whatever the value of local concurrency is to 1, and then only assign 1 to processes thereafter. instead we should give a newly-scheduled process the id of whatever process just finished, which means we need store those ids in a separate data structure, which is easy enough to do)
Yeah, looking at this I wasn't able to prove to my own satisfaction that this solves the problem.
with the changes I have locally right now, I can log the concurrency id number given to processes in our own tests, and now I'm seeing a wide variety of different numbers, instead of just 1 all the time after counting down from 16 (I have an 8 core CPU)
i still haven’t been able to look at this deeply, but if the fix is not trivial, i would continue to recommend switching to the tokio semaphore, and implementing the slot separately with a
full of the number of slots you want.
I’m looked at the PR but I’m not well versed enough in synchronization stuff to opine on it in any way I can be sure of
ok, sorry… out of my hole now
will take a look.
@hundreds-breakfast-49010: commented: thanks