if I want to add a ‘[cached]’ label on the “Comple...
# development
if I want to add a ‘[cached]’ label on the “Completed: Run …” message for remote executions, what is suggested way to do that?
or does Pants have infra to collect metrics counts for a run?
cc @hundreds-breakfast-49010
@fast-nail-55400 that line of code is executed from the
crate, look for
context is getting an explicit way to see if remote execution caching is working in CI environment
so that sounds like a bit of state we'd have to make available on the workunit
probably on
specifically, just add another boolean
would it be better as a vec of string labels?
possibly; if we think we might want to make this more general later
cc @polite-garden-50641 ^^
Tom, maybe print a debug message for now? Then you avoid the design question of what we should show at INFO level to users when it was remote execution vs local For example, a user has already requested that we log when something comes from the local cache. So something like
in the message might be confusing
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debug mode changes the pex logging on the remote
which changes what is being cached
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Is this for local iteration, or you want to commit the change?
I want to commit some form of this change so I can monitor how CI builds are operating
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and eventually for repos using toolchain buildsense, get metrics uploaded in the run data upload
the high-level job of that log method is to print "Completed: <workunit name>" whenever a workunit is done
so on second thought, we might deliberately want to avoid adding more and more debug information into it
i.e. this should be a log statement instead
unless the idea is that
should be part of the name of the remote process workunit
Okay. I think a simple change for now could be to do something like “Completed (via RE) - run Pytest” I think the issue with
is that it implies caching only happens with RE. Also, it implies that the result was read from the cache, even if it had to run fresh
well then I want a way to just enable log statemets for a particular logger and not have remote pex debug logging turned on
I have a half-completed commit for selective log levels
well then I want a way to just enable log statemets for a particular logger
Stu really wants this too and has been putting some thinking into it. But not a 2.0 priority, so I’d go with the hacky approach for now
Oh nvm, didn’t realize Greg was working on it 🙂
and yeah not working on it right this second becuase it's less of a 2.0 priority
as I said, affecting the REv2 protos changes what is cached and doesn’t let me turn on logging in a subsequent run to see what happened exactly in a prior run
w/o basically making the cache (the thing I’m investigating) useless
does changing pants' logging level affect the remote execution protobufs?
the remote pex debug thing is a different pants option, right?
the remote pex debug thing is a different pants option, right?
No I don’t think so. A global
causes us to pass
to the Pex run, which Tom is saying is an issue
beats me,
enables it everwhere
aah ok
is even worse with the logging volume
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esp. from the remote where I don’t want it
yeah, I don't think -ltrace is useful right now
b/c of the volume
seems like we'd want to be able tomake -ldebug not affect the pex run, precisely to avoid creating a new protobuf
I think we're talking about potential changes to pants that won't solve tom's immediate problem though
may I add an log-level option to the pex subsystem that would be set separate from the main log level?
and then don’t propagate the main log level through if it is set?
that seems reasonable to me
it make sense that pex logging should be in principle a separate set of options form pants logging, even if we try to be smart about setting pex logging automatically from pants logging
okay will code that up