hey folks! rule graph construction is quite a chal...
# development
hey folks! rule graph construction is quite a challenging problem, and we’re thinking about asking some experts from the wider world for their insight: before we do, would appreciate any feedback that anyone might have on this writeup: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/10690
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taking a look at this now
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and actually, i think that maybe it does make sense to land those docs (even if i copy-paste it to the docsite afterward), so i’ve updated the PR description, and would appreciate a shipit
I always appreciate it when software projects have write-ups of interesting bits of their internals on their doc websites
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one thing that's worth bringing up - I'm not sure what it means in general for a graph to be "polymorphic"
(and I guess you're not sure if polymorphic/monomorphic is the right terminology to use anyway)
polymorphic here means: “has more sources of a dependency than it actually needs”, and monomorphic means “has one source” of a dependency. but yea, will clarify that usage.
(the relation to how those terms are usually used is that when you are polymorphic there are lots of different inputs you will accept, and when you’re monomorphic you will accept exactly one legal set)
good point: thanks!
if you have a reddit account, would appreciate some upvotes on this!: https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/ih6c30/requesting_the_rust_compiler_communitys/
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