does anyone know (at a high level) what `reset_log...
# development
does anyone know (at a high level) what
reset_log_location was meant to do at a high level?
the docstring says "Re-acquire file handles to error logs based in the new location.", but I'm not sure what the new location its talking about is; or in general to what extent this is out of date compared to how pants logging works today in a rust context
@aloof-angle-91616 do you remember? looks relevant
It’s 2 year old code. And the Rust logging is ~1 year old thanks to Borja’s changes. So it sounds very plausible that it is out of date
it looks like this code is responsible for creating the
directory in the workdir
which I haven't generally looked at
was that directory called
because it want to have thread-specific debug files back when pantsd was multithreaded?
That I don’t know. I know that generally there was a reason to not have
as a part of
because of the logic with cleaning
, iirc. might have some helpful context
yeah I think there's a broader question of what behavior we actually want out of logging to
signal handlers have constraints on what they are able to do
one thing that they can’t do is open files
so to interact with a file in a signal handler, you need to already have a file handle for it open
@witty-crayon-22786 so ExceptionSink should be keeping around handles to open files, so signal handlers can write to them?
this is the
mechanism I think?
this is the 
 mechanism I think?
maybe, i don’t know.
anyway we call
exactly once when we start pants, and never invoke it again
I don't know if that's always been the case
it used to have more calls i think.
well actually no, we call it once in pants_runner, once in pants_daemon, and once in the exception sink module itself
that last one might be redundant
i don’t think it is… it needs to be initialized
anyway the reason i was looking at this was because the test that's sporadically failing in is one of the ones that was meant to test the
logging functionality, I believe
I was trying to see if we could just get rid of that test, but I think it's testing functionality we do actually want