<https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/10954> t...
# development
https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/10954 this allows try/except across an
await Get(...)
, which allows `@rule`s to raise exceptions without necessarily making pants exit immediately. i think this will be very useful for plugin authors, but it is easy to wait if we'd prefer to get 2.0 out the door first
there’s a release branch for 2.0.0 now so
changes shouldn’t need to wait
🚀 1
exciting change, I'll definitely take a look at this soon
:D :D :D
no rush
was going through old PRs
This overall looks really exciting! Iirc, there was some discussion a while ago about the value of adding exception handling to rules because we generally want to discourage that style and encourage more FP-style of using the type system to express failure, like
. But also Python != Rust (e.g. no
type), and it’s likely very valuable to have the mechanism, even if we discourage it.
🧠 1
yes that was my concern
yeah that's a fair point
but it's true that python doesn't really support FP-ish error handling, and python programmers expect to be able to use exceptions
👍 1
i was thinking this would be more familiar to python users and possibly improve the learning curve / make it easier to take advantage of 3rdparty python libraries that use exceptions when writing plugins. i think if python had rust enums i would not have proposed it, but as is, that pattern would require 3 separate dataclass definitions i think
👍 1
I haven’t had the time to look closely yet, so sorry if this is already answered, but one main question I have is if it’s possible to do exception handling for Rust failures. That might be really powerful to catch a failure for
, for example. If anything, it would allow us to write much better error messages. (For example, it’s possible with the
field for the user to introduce conflicting paths from different assets. It would be AWESOME if we could
try except
that one
await Get
, and print a custom error message upon failure.) A big issue with error messages in the engine right now is that they have to be hyper generic, so they often miss valuable context
🚀 1
yes! that should work. i can write a test for it
I think if we can use this feature to implement better error messages today in pants, that justifies it
👖 2
i had totally missed how useful the intrinsic error handling could be
❤️ 1
It’d be excellent to add that as a major motivation in the PR description. And maybe proactively acknowledge the concerns about exception handling in general - we won’t liberally encourage the style, but there are a couple niche cases where it’s extremely valuable
👍 1
will do!
also it works to catch the
❤️ 1
i have updated the description to reflect eric's message above
💯 2
btw I just created https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/10955, which has (I think) the last round I'm gonna do of converting python API functions to use
instead of
. not sure to what extent this is going to interfere with your code in this PR @chilly-magazine-21545
thank you for noting that! the only place we access attributes in the try/except PR is when extracting the exception traceback, which actually uses explicit hasattr/getattr. in fact i'd like your feedback on that whenever you get the chance to look at this because i'm not sure if i'm doing something wonky, i'll leave a comment in the section i'd like a look at
sure. I'm gonna sign off for tonight but I'll take another look at this tomorrow
thanks! i'll take a look at yours too
@chilly-magazine-21545 I left some comments on https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/10954, overall I think the approach is pretty solid, and most of my comments have been basically ways I noticed that the code in this PR could be more concise in any given spot
I realize https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/10954/files#r504425805 is kinda vague - basically, it seems like we're defining some pretty complicated types in python around
, which to me suggests that we might be able to refactor
into a few, simpler functions with simpler type inputs/outputs. but I can't immediately see a way to do this, so I might be wrong and this complexity is actually necessary