Huh, when pulling the master branch and running `....
# development
Huh, when pulling the master branch and running
./pants test src/python/pants/util/
, I get a no such file error for the script `./`:
Copy code
14:04:34.94 [ERROR] Exception caught: (pants.engine.internals.scheduler.ExecutionError)
  File "/Users/eric/DocsLocal/code/projects/pants/src/python/pants/bin/", line 276, in run
    engine_result = self._run_v2(goals)
  File "/Users/eric/DocsLocal/code/projects/pants/src/python/pants/bin/", line 190, in _run_v2
    return self._maybe_run_v2_body(goals, poll=False)
  File "/Users/eric/DocsLocal/code/projects/pants/src/python/pants/bin/", line 212, in _maybe_run_v2_body
    poll_delay=(0.1 if poll else None),
  File "/Users/eric/DocsLocal/code/projects/pants/src/python/pants/init/", line 132, in run_goal_rules
    goal_product, params, poll=poll, poll_delay=poll_delay
  File "/Users/eric/DocsLocal/code/projects/pants/src/python/pants/engine/internals/", line 563, in run_goal_rule
    self._raise_on_error([t for _, t in throws])
  File "/Users/eric/DocsLocal/code/projects/pants/src/python/pants/engine/internals/", line 527, in _raise_on_error
    wrapped_exceptions=tuple(t.exc for t in throws),

Exception message: 1 Exception encountered:

Engine traceback:
  in select
  in pants.core.goals.test.run_tests
  in pants.core.goals.test.enrich_test_result (src/python/pants/util/
  in pants.backend.python.goals.pytest_runner.run_python_test (src/python/pants/util/
  in pants.backend.python.goals.pytest_runner.setup_pytest_for_target
  in pants.engine.internals.graph.transitive_targets
  in pants.engine.internals.graph.resolve_targets (src/python/pants/util/
  in pants.engine.internals.graph.resolve_unexpanded_targets (src/python/pants/util/
  in pants.engine.internals.graph.resolve_dependencies (src/python/pants/util/
  in pants.backend.python.dependency_inference.rules.infer_python_dependencies_via_imports (src/python/pants/util/
  in pants.backend.python.dependency_inference.import_parser.parse_python_imports
  in pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex.find_interpreter (CPython<3.9,>=3.7)
  in pants.engine.process.fallible_to_exec_result_or_raise
  in pants.engine.process.remove_platform_information
  in pants.engine.process.upcast_process
  in pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex_cli.setup_pex_cli_process
  in pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex_environment.find_pex_python
  in pants.engine.process.find_binary
  in pants.engine.process.find_binary
  in pants.engine.process.fallible_to_exec_result_or_raise
  in pants.engine.process.remove_platform_information
  in multi_platform_process
Traceback (no traceback):
  <pants native internals>
Exception: Failed to execute: Process {
    argv: [
    env: {
        "PATH": "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin",
    working_directory: None,
    input_files: Digest(
    output_files: {},
    output_directories: {},
    timeout: None,
    execution_slot_variable: None,
    description: "Searching for `bash` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin",
    level: Debug,
    append_only_caches: {},
    jdk_home: None,
    platform_constraint: None,
    is_nailgunnable: false,
    cache_scope: PerRestart,

Error launching process: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/eric/DocsLocal/code/projects/pants/src/python/pants/bin/", line 276, in run
    engine_result = self._run_v2(goals)
  File "/Users/eric/DocsLocal/code/projects/pants/src/python/pants/bin/", line 190, in _run_v2
    return self._maybe_run_v2_body(goals, poll=False)
  File "/Users/eric/DocsLocal/code/projects/pants/src/python/pants/bin/", line 212, in _maybe_run_v2_body
    poll_delay=(0.1 if poll else None),
  File "/Users/eric/DocsLocal/code/projects/pants/src/python/pants/init/", line 132, in run_goal_rules
    goal_product, params, poll=poll, poll_delay=poll_delay
  File "/Users/eric/DocsLocal/code/projects/pants/src/python/pants/engine/internals/", line 563, in run_goal_rule
    self._raise_on_error([t for _, t in throws])
  File "/Users/eric/DocsLocal/code/projects/pants/src/python/pants/engine/internals/", line 527, in _raise_on_error
    wrapped_exceptions=tuple(t.exc for t in throws),
pants.engine.internals.scheduler.ExecutionError: 1 Exception encountered:

Engine traceback:
  in select
  in pants.core.goals.test.run_tests
  in pants.core.goals.test.enrich_test_result (src/python/pants/util/
  in pants.backend.python.goals.pytest_runner.run_python_test (src/python/pants/util/
  in pants.backend.python.goals.pytest_runner.setup_pytest_for_target
  in pants.engine.internals.graph.transitive_targets
  in pants.engine.internals.graph.resolve_targets (src/python/pants/util/
  in pants.engine.internals.graph.resolve_unexpanded_targets (src/python/pants/util/
  in pants.engine.internals.graph.resolve_dependencies (src/python/pants/util/
  in pants.backend.python.dependency_inference.rules.infer_python_dependencies_via_imports (src/python/pants/util/
  in pants.backend.python.dependency_inference.import_parser.parse_python_imports
  in pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex.find_interpreter (CPython<3.9,>=3.7)
  in pants.engine.process.fallible_to_exec_result_or_raise
  in pants.engine.process.remove_platform_information
  in pants.engine.process.upcast_process
  in pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex_cli.setup_pex_cli_process
  in pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex_environment.find_pex_python
  in pants.engine.process.find_binary
  in pants.engine.process.find_binary
  in pants.engine.process.fallible_to_exec_result_or_raise
  in pants.engine.process.remove_platform_information
  in multi_platform_process
Traceback (no traceback):
  <pants native internals>
Exception: Failed to execute: Process {
    argv: [
    env: {
        "PATH": "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin",
    working_directory: None,
    input_files: Digest(
    output_files: {},
    output_directories: {},
    timeout: None,
    execution_slot_variable: None,
    description: "Searching for `bash` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin",
    level: Debug,
    append_only_caches: {},
    jdk_home: None,
    platform_constraint: None,
    is_nailgunnable: false,
    cache_scope: PerRestart,

Error launching process: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }
Interesting…this started failing for me on the Rust 1.49 upgrade
maybe something changed about the API contract?
./pants test src/python/pants/util/
works for me on latest master
@witty-crayon-22786 or @fast-nail-55400 could you please try on macOS?
I’m trying that command. also, don’t we run that test on macOS though?
yea, i repro on OSX
what versions of macOS are you both running?
No, we only run a couple smoke screens like
./pants list ::
on macOS. We definitely should run
./pants test src/python/pants/util:
though, that’s a great and quick test to do
I believe they removed bash with 11.x, right?
Copy code
▶ where bash
it’s not the default shell, but it’s still installed
and i’m on 10.15
I’m seeing it too.
I’m also on 10.15.x
did they… change the behavior of `fsync`…?
👀 1
shows the file in the sandbox, but could be racey?
going to revert the change and see if the test passes
👍 1
so does this seem to be about a recent OS X upgrade changing what shells are on what paths, rather than the rust update?
no. 10.15 is old
No I think it’s the Rust update
going to revert the change and see if the test passes
CI won’t show you this. You’d need to add to ``’s
that it runs
test src/python/pants/util:
. That would be an excellent change to make
other potentially related aspect is that this codepath will be using since it creates the script
after reversion back to 1.48,
fails for me
fails with what?
Copy code
E       AssertionError: assert equals failed
E         'The base class of the class hi  'The base class of the class hi
E         erarchy.\n\nWhen called, it acc  erarchy.\n\nWhen called, it acc
E         epts no arguments and returns a  epts no arguments and returns a
E          new featureless\ninstance that   new featureless\ninstance that
E          has no instance attributes and   has no instance attributes and
E          cannot be given any.'            cannot be given any.\n'
extra newline
Weird, it passes for me. Either way, that test will be deleted in 2.3
I did apply a security update to 10.15 over the weekend
w actually removed the fsync here. seeing whether adding it back helps.
no impact from the fsync.
hm… potentially related from the release notes: , although i’m not sure how? EDIT: it seems like the underlying changes in the PR would have impacted us well before the stabilization. so probably not. EDIT2: oh. no. very old.
we should revert in the meantime though.
yeah trying to run
./pants test src/python/pants/base::
fails on 1.49 and succeeds on 1.48
i’ll get it out.
I just pushed one
I assume someone will take care of increasing the number of tests running on macOS?
I can do that in a followup
I commented on ticket, but do you have /usr/bin/env Eric?
/usr/bin/env bash
Copy code
/private/var/folders/bg/_r10hqp14kjcpv68yzdk5svc0000gn/T/process-executionvrX4qr/ bash
works after the run with
(will add to ticket)
and note that it works on 1.48 but not 1.49. My machine setup hasn’t changed at all, e.g. no changes made to my PATH.
25 minutes and counting
A reminder on the fsync mentioned above - that was always a red-herring from the day I introduced it way back. That only gets bits on a physical medium, it has 0 to do with visibility of writes that are comitted to the vfs layer / read from the vfs layer - on Linux at least.
👍 1
landed the reversion
👍 1