scratch that itch
# development
scratch that itch
This is reminding me how nice it would be to release Pants as a standalone binary. I'm having issues getting cryptography to build too What's the reason Pex doesn't work for that again? Why don't we always install via the Pex builds?
it would… but an assumption of a rust standalone binary is that it will not be cross platform
we could ship multiple pexes each with wheels for a particular platform to achieve a similar effect
with the largest difference being that a pex is unlikely to ever contain a python interpreter, whereas a pyoxidizer build would
we could ship multiple pexes each with wheels for a particular platform to achieve a similar effect
Right now we do a single multiplatform Pex. Why would we want to change to multiple?
we probably wouldn’t. i’m saying that a standalone binary would not be cross platform.
👍 1