is there any reason for pants not to support pytho...
# development
is there any reason for pants not to support python 3.9, other than that no one has gotten around to it yet?
Exactly. I made a lot of progress when I got my M1 because I can only run Py39, but I had to stop working on it because other priorities came up
maybe I can pick up where you left off. I'd like to see python 3.9 work, especially now that 3.10 is in some kind of beta
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That'd be much appreciated!! We had some users who were asking about it too because installing Py38 in their env is prohibitive Will push my wip now
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yeah arch linux uses python 3.9 by default so I was reminded of the lack of support when i switched back to my personal laptop
By "support" you mean "run on" or "run your code with"
I feel like the latter should work no?
Run the Pants tool with
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I long for the day when we ship Pants with an embedded interpreter, and this whole question is moot
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