OK, I think I've finally gotten stuck on how to do...
# development
OK, I think I've finally gotten stuck on how to do something in the new engine. I'm running
coursier fetch
, which returns me a report on which jars were fetched and the absolute paths where they were fetched. They're fetched into a subdir of
. But now I want to gather up only the jars that were relevant to this resolve into a
where the jars have been flattened out (or at least have the named cache prefix trimmed off). AFAICT the only way to do this would be with
, but it only works on paths relative to the build root. Is there some other way to capture arbitrary files from known locations on disk into a
Is there some other way to capture arbitrary files from known locations on disk into a 
are only intended to be accessible from inside of
runs: so running a process that copies the files out of the named_caches and into its own directory, where they can be captured using the
of the
would be the right way to go about it probably
the safest way to do that would be in a bash script wrapping your coursier invoke (to make it atomic with the fetching itself)… you could usually get away with doing it in a separate
, but there is no guarantee that the first and second processes will run on the same machine
👍 1
@bored-art-40741: feel free to ping me if you have questions about this api!
Yeah Tom (also, hey!), I was trying to get to the point of using
, but you need to get to a
first, which is where I was stuck.
Thanks Stu, that makes sense. I hadn't yet considered how this would play nicely with remoting, and clearly it wouldn't
I suppose I just trust that the CAKVS is smart enough to deduplicate individual jars that get slurped in from the named cache
I suppose I just trust that the CAKVS is smart enough to deduplicate individual jars that get slurped in from the named cache
exactly: it ignores timestamps and filenames
so jars fetched off the network should very reliably be content addressed. repeatedly capturing out of the workdir of a
is not a probelm.
Also: @bored-art-40741: heads up that John fixed a bug in named cache usage that was breaking in remote execution (in case you've reused any of the pex code): https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/11760
Ah thanks, I did indeed base my code off of the changed PEX code