Travis doesn't appear to have triggered for my rel...
# development
Travis doesn't appear to have triggered for my release (or at all in the last ~48 hours)?
Oh, looks like wheel building moved to GHA and docs are just out of date? 🙂
Releases now happen in GitHub actions! As of 2-3 days ago
👍 1
yeah, I can update the docs. my bad
Thanks! Do I still just
when the shards finish?
The deploy Pex stage is now manual, which is a regression in order to land that PR. I can do that part so that I know how to document things
Yes, everything else is the same other than deploy Pex
Cool, thanks! I'll leave that piece to you - let me know when it's pushed and I will email the email 🙂
👍 1
Can you please include this in the email?
As announced in, this is the first release to require macOS 10.15 Catalina or newer. Please let us know if this is a barrier for you and we can look for alternatives.
👍 1
@average-vr-56795 I'm going to run
to release to PyPI. I'm not certain how the git tag will interact with manual creation and want to experiment with this If you have the time, that'd be great to still do the announcement and I may ask you to also run a command and upload a file because of issues with my M1 mac
Awesome. It mostly worked. @average-vr-56795 can you please run
PANTS_PEX_RELEASE=stable build-support/bin/ -p
and then click "edit tag" on and upload the pants.pex file that was built?
Doing so now 🙂 I... Didn't need a PGP key for anything - did you do the signing and PyPi uploads?
Uploaded and email sent - thanks for the help!
Yep! Thank you!