seeing this one a clean master checkout: ```$ ./pa...
# development
seeing this one a clean master checkout:
Copy code
$ ./pants goals
Building native engine
error: invalid channel name '[toolchain]' in '/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/rust-toolchain'
info: caused by: invalid toolchain name: '[toolchain]'

Failed to build native engine.
any advice?
your rustup is out of date. Try
rustup update
oh so pants no longer bootstraps one there?
No we don't, which simplified a lot of our setup. We've been trying to chip away at all our custom tooling
ok. still seeing the same issue after
Copy code
$ rustup update
info: syncing channel updates for 'stable-x86_64-apple-darwin'
sdfinfo: latest update on 2021-03-25, rust version 1.51.0 (2fd73fabe 2021-03-23)
sdinfo: downloading component 'rustc'
Total:  56.6 MiB Speed:  10.6 MiB/s                
info: downloading component 'rust-std'
Total:  23.6 MiB Speed:  10.7 MiB/s                
info: downloading component 'cargo'
info: downloading component 'rust-docs'
Total:  15.0 MiB Speed:  10.1 MiB/s                
info: downloading component 'rust-src'
info: removing component 'rustc'
info: removing component 'rust-std'
info: removing component 'cargo'
info: removing component 'rust-docs'
info: removing component 'rust-src'
info: installing component 'rustc'
info: installing component 'rust-std'
info: installing component 'cargo'
info: installing component 'rust-docs'
info: installing component 'rust-src'
info: checking for self-updates
info: downloading self-update

  stable-x86_64-apple-darwin updated - rustc 1.51.0 (2fd73fabe 2021-03-23)
rustup update self
rustup self update
🙌 1
That way around 😄
Copy code
[tw-mbp-yic pants_2 (master)]$ rustup self update
info: checking for self-updates
info: downloading self-update
info: rustup updated successfully to 1.23.1
[tw-mbp-yic pants_2 (master)]$ 
[tw-mbp-yic pants_2 (master)]$ 
[tw-mbp-yic pants_2 (master)]$ rustup update
info: syncing channel updates for 'stable-x86_64-apple-darwin'
info: checking for self-updates
info: downloading self-update

  stable-x86_64-apple-darwin unchanged - rustc 1.51.0 (2fd73fabe 2021-03-23)

[tw-mbp-yic pants_2 (master)]$ 
[tw-mbp-yic pants_2 (master)]$ ./pants goals
Building native engine
error: invalid channel name '[toolchain]' in '/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/rust-toolchain'
info: caused by: invalid toolchain name: '[toolchain]'

Failed to build native engine.
does this matter?
Copy code
$ env | grep RUS
unsetting doesn’t help either
what does
which -a rustup
say? FYI
is the script that we use which invokes your global
binary in
I'd probably
rm -rf ~/.cache/pants/rust
👍 1
haha not so fast, we still need to for 1.25.x-twtr occasionally
😞 1
Copy code
[tw-mbp-yic pants_2 (master)]$ which -a rustup
[tw-mbp-yic pants_2 (master)]$ which -a cargo
[tw-mbp-yic pants_2 (master)]$ /Users/yic/.cargo/bin/rustup --version
rustup 1.7.0 (813f7b7a8 2017-10-30)
[tw-mbp-yic pants_2 (master)]$ /Users/yic/.cargo/bin/rustup self update
info: checking for self-updates
info: downloading self-update
info: rustup updated successfully to 1.23.1
[tw-mbp-yic pants_2 (master)]$ /Users/yic/.cargo/bin/rustup --version
rustup 1.7.0 (813f7b7a8 2017-10-30)
👀 1
this is weird, it says it’s updated to 1.23.1, then version shows again it’s on 1.7.0
Weird. Maybe reinstall it:
👌 1
Copy code
% rustup --version
rustup 1.23.1 (3df2264a9 2020-11-30)
ok reinstall did the trick. thanks folks!
❤️ 1
also been at
Copy code
Compiling testutil v0.0.1 (/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/rust/engine/testutil)
   Compiling mock v0.0.1 (/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/rust/engine/testutil/mock)
   Compiling process_execution v0.0.1 (/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/rust/engine/process_execution)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 3m 56s
14:54:35.02 [INFO] initializing scheduler...
14:56:05.11 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  88.23s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
14:56:35.14 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  118.27s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:10:36.44 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  959.57s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:11:06.45 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  989.58s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
for a while. let me know if i need to kill it. python3.7 has been 100%
👀 1
Uh..that is not expected. If you'd be willing, it would be helpful if you could do
, find the tmpdir for that process, and run it's
to see if it hangs. We'd love to get a hold of that PEX You can
Copy code
502 40173 40168   0  3:17PM ??         1:22.53 /Users/yic/.cache/pants/pants_dev_deps/Darwin.py37.venv/bin/python3.7 /private/var/folders/yt/pxdd3gp96530xh_116kskmkh0000gp/T/process-execution4GBs1T/.tmp/tmpa20ikulx -c import hashlib, os, sys\012\012python = os.path.realpath(sys.executable)\012print(python)\012\012hasher = hashlib.sha256()\012with open(python, "rb") as fp:\012  for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):\012      hasher.update(chunk)\012print(hasher.hexdigest())\012
Copy code
$ cd /private/var/folders/yt/pxdd3gp96530xh_116kskmkh0000gp/T/process-execution4GBs1T
$ find . | grep
is this what you mean?
oh ok, in that case I haven’t hit that point yet.
Copy code
$ ./pants --no-process-execution-local-cleanup goals
15:17:57.43 [INFO] initializing scheduler...
15:25:28.08 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  449.97s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:25:58.10 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  479.98s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
based on the process, it wants to do some hashing?
Copy code
502 40173 40168   0  3:17PM ??         9:50.16 /Users/yic/.cache/pants/pants_dev_deps/Darwin.py37.venv/bin/python3.7 /private/var/folders/yt/pxdd3gp96530xh_116kskmkh0000gp/T/process-execution4GBs1T/.tmp/tmpa20ikulx -c import hashlib, os, sys\012\012python = os.path.realpath(sys.executable)\012print(python)\012\012hasher = hashlib.sha256()\012with open(python, "rb") as fp:\012  for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):\012      hasher.update(chunk)\012print(hasher.hexdigest())\012
Hm it should have dumped the log path at the very beginning of starting the process, you don't see that higher up? 🤔
Copy code
$ ./pants --no-process-execution-local-cleanup goals
15:17:57.43 [INFO] initializing scheduler...
15:19:27.54 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  89.43s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:19:57.57 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  119.45s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:20:27.60 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  149.48s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:20:57.64 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  179.52s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:21:27.69 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  209.57s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:21:57.75 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  239.64s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:22:27.80 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  269.69s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:22:57.80 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  299.69s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:23:27.81 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  329.70s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:23:57.91 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  359.80s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:24:27.99 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  389.88s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:24:58.07 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  419.95s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:25:28.08 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  449.97s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:25:58.10 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  479.98s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:26:28.18 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  510.07s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:26:58.21 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  540.10s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:27:28.31 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  570.19s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:27:58.39 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  600.28s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
15:28:28.47 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  630.36s 	Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4
Oh, try
ok. this is the stacktrace when I killed it in case that’s useful:
Copy code
Engine traceback:
  in select
  in pants.init.plugin_resolver.resolve_plugins (CPython==3.7.4)
  in pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex.create_venv_pex (pants_plugins.pex)
  in pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex.build_pex (pants_plugins.pex)
  in pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex.find_interpreter (CPython==3.7.4)
  in pants.engine.process.fallible_to_exec_result_or_raise
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/python/pants/engine/", line 255, in fallible_to_exec_result_or_raise
pants.engine.process.ProcessExecutionFailure: Process 'Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4' failed with exit code 241.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/python/pants/bin/", line 125, in single_daemonized_run
    scheduler, options_initializer = self._core.prepare(options_bootstrapper, complete_env)
  File "/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/python/pants/pantsd/", line 129, in prepare
    self._initialize(options_fingerprint, options_bootstrapper, env)
  File "/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/python/pants/pantsd/", line 104, in _initialize
    raise e
  File "/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/python/pants/pantsd/", line 90, in _initialize
    options_bootstrapper, env, raise_=True
  File "/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/python/pants/init/", line 113, in build_config_and_options
    self._plugin_resolver, options_bootstrapper, env
  File "/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/python/pants/init/", line 44, in _initialize_build_configuration
    working_set = plugin_resolver.resolve(options_bootstrapper, env)
  File "/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/python/pants/init/", line 114, in resolve
    for resolved_plugin_location in self._resolve_plugins(options_bootstrapper, env):
  File "/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/python/pants/init/", line 137, in _resolve_plugins
    session.product_request(ResolvedPluginDistributions, [self._interpreter_constraints])[
  File "/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/python/pants/engine/internals/", line 536, in product_request
    self._raise_on_error([t for _, t in throws])
  File "/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/python/pants/engine/internals/", line 476, in _raise_on_error
    wrapped_exceptions=tuple(t.exc for t in throws),
pants.engine.internals.scheduler.ExecutionError: 1 Exception encountered:

Engine traceback:
  in select
  in pants.init.plugin_resolver.resolve_plugins (CPython==3.7.4)
  in pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex.create_venv_pex (pants_plugins.pex)
  in pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex.build_pex (pants_plugins.pex)
  in pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex.find_interpreter (CPython==3.7.4)
  in pants.engine.process.fallible_to_exec_result_or_raise
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/yic/workspace/pants_2/src/python/pants/engine/", line 255, in fallible_to_exec_result_or_raise
pants.engine.process.ProcessExecutionFailure: Process 'Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.7.4' failed with exit code 241.

👍 1
Btw the process shouldn't take more than 0.5s, maybe 3s in a weird case
no dice. yeah, will need to debug this a bit. purely from the process it wants to do:
Copy code
import hashlib, os, sys

python = os.path.realpath(sys.executable)

hasher = hashlib.sha256()
with open(python, "rb") as fp:
  for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
let me see it’s because of symlink cycles and what not.
@wide-energy-11069 any luck?
linux box works, so i’ll just go with that