Release failing because of `xmlrpc.client.Fault: &...
# development
Release failing because of
xmlrpc.client.Fault: <Fault -32500: 'HTTPTooManyRequests: The action could not be performed because there were too many requests by the client. Limit may reset in 1 seconds.'>
I bet it's from me mass purging >40 releases + doing 3 releases
is there a specific reason for us to keep using the XML API vs the JSON API?
(PyPi’s documentation states that there are lower rate limits on the XML API.)
I doubt there's a particular reason, other than precedent
AFAICT the JSON API doesn't offer a way to get user role information
which is what we use the XMLRPC API for
to make sure that the user doing the release has ownership of the package and is allowed to upload new releases on it