seeing a random test failure on mac os
# development
seeing a random test failure on mac os
Copy code
➜  pants git:(master) ./pants test src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/
17:28:46.83 [WARN] Completed: test - src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/ failed (exit code 2).
============================= test session starts ==============================
collected 0 items / 1 error

==================================== ERRORS ====================================
___ ERROR collecting src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/ ___
ImportError while importing test module '/private/var/folders/hv/p6g7p3p95d19gtm5cfkrk5w00000gn/T/process-executionK3lTUS/src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/'.
Hint: make sure your test modules/packages have valid Python names.
/Applications/ in import_module
    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.awslambda.python.rules import PythonAwsLambdaFieldSet
src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.awslambda.python.target_types import (
src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.python.dependency_inference.rules import PythonInferSubsystem, import_rules
src/python/pants/backend/python/dependency_inference/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.python.dependency_inference import import_parser, module_mapper
src/python/pants/backend/python/dependency_inference/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex import PexInterpreterConstraints
src/python/pants/backend/python/util_rules/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.python.util_rules import pex_cli
src/python/pants/backend/python/util_rules/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.python.util_rules import pex_environment
src/python/pants/backend/python/util_rules/ in <module>
    from pants.engine import process
src/python/pants/engine/ in <module>
    from pants.base.exception_sink import ExceptionSink
src/python/pants/base/ in <module>
    import setproctitle
E   ImportError: dlopen(/Users/asher/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/74f365d60a447da8b8ba705c2b638745f9895556/499a9c6b888ba9d1ec95e7cf1be04097c8ac3633/lib/python3.8/site-packages/, 2): Symbol not found: _Py_GetArgcArgv
E     Referenced from: /Users/asher/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/74f365d60a447da8b8ba705c2b638745f9895556/499a9c6b888ba9d1ec95e7cf1be04097c8ac3633/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
E     Expected in: flat namespace
E    in /Users/asher/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/74f365d60a447da8b8ba705c2b638745f9895556/499a9c6b888ba9d1ec95e7cf1be04097c8ac3633/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
=========================== short test summary info ============================
ERROR src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interrupted: 1 error during collection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=============================== 1 error in 0.93s ===============================

𐄂 src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/ failed.
➜  pants git:(master)
this is on a clean main pants branch
Screen Shot 2021-04-28 at 5.30.50 PM.png
Hm, the native extension for setproctitle isn't working properly. You can try removing
(or better is to temporarily rename so we can debug)
Did you recently do an OS upgrade by chance?
yes. updated to bigsur over the weekend.
Screen Shot 2021-04-28 at 6.06.14 PM.png
Okay this is almost certainly why it broke. Could you please try now to rename
to something like
? I realized named_caches prob isn't enough because of the LMDB store cache. Also temporarily turn off the remote cache
I'll just nuke lmdb store...
same error
to confirm, did it re-resolve your requirements? Make sure remote cache is not used
let me disable remote cache and try again.
Screen Shot 2021-04-28 at 6.49.57 PM.png
same error,
Copy code
➜  pants git:(master) rm -rf ~/.cache/pants/lmdb_store
➜  pants git:(master) rm -rf ~/.cache/pants/named_caches
➜  pants git:(master) ./pants --no-remote-cache-read test src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/
18:49:21.04 [INFO] initialization options changed: reinitializing scheduler...
18:49:24.05 [INFO] scheduler initialized.
18:50:17.07 [INFO] Completed: Building pytest.pex with 6 requirements: ipdb, pygments, pytest-cov>=2.10.1,<2.12, pytest-html, pytest-icdiff, pytest>=6.0.1,<6.3
18:50:44.16 [INFO] Completed: Resolving 3rdparty/python/constraints.txt
18:50:49.08 [INFO] Completed: Building requirements.pex with 11 requirements: PyYAML<5.5,>=5.4, ansicolors==1.1.8, humbug==0.1.9, packaging==20.9, pex==2.1.41, psutil==5.8.0, pytest<6.3,>=6.0.1, setproctitle==1.2.2, setuptools<54.... (52 characters truncated)
18:50:55.67 [INFO] Completed: Building pytest_runner.pex
18:50:58.64 [WARN] Completed: test - src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/ failed (exit code 2).
============================= test session starts ==============================
collected 0 items / 1 error

==================================== ERRORS ====================================
___ ERROR collecting src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/ ___
ImportError while importing test module '/private/var/folders/hv/p6g7p3p95d19gtm5cfkrk5w00000gn/T/process-executionXhd03V/src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/'.
Hint: make sure your test modules/packages have valid Python names.
/Applications/ in import_module
    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.awslambda.python.rules import PythonAwsLambdaFieldSet
src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.awslambda.python.target_types import (
src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.python.dependency_inference.rules import PythonInferSubsystem, import_rules
src/python/pants/backend/python/dependency_inference/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.python.dependency_inference import import_parser, module_mapper
src/python/pants/backend/python/dependency_inference/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex import PexInterpreterConstraints
src/python/pants/backend/python/util_rules/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.python.util_rules import pex_cli
src/python/pants/backend/python/util_rules/ in <module>
    from pants.backend.python.util_rules import pex_environment
src/python/pants/backend/python/util_rules/ in <module>
    from pants.engine import process
src/python/pants/engine/ in <module>
    from pants.base.exception_sink import ExceptionSink
src/python/pants/base/ in <module>
    import setproctitle
E   ImportError: dlopen(/Users/asher/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/739a8cc0124c3cddb24a6f5ce816de42f81cca21/f3bf77d2aa2b64ffc6615072af3996709ad81904/lib/python3.8/site-packages/, 2): Symbol not found: _Py_GetArgcArgv
E     Referenced from: /Users/asher/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/739a8cc0124c3cddb24a6f5ce816de42f81cca21/f3bf77d2aa2b64ffc6615072af3996709ad81904/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
E     Expected in: flat namespace
E    in /Users/asher/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/739a8cc0124c3cddb24a6f5ce816de42f81cca21/f3bf77d2aa2b64ffc6615072af3996709ad81904/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
=========================== short test summary info ============================
ERROR src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interrupted: 1 error during collection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=============================== 1 error in 1.41s ===============================

𐄂 src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/ failed.
➜  pants git:(master)
Triaging this as working on my machine, recently updated to 11.3 as well…
Copy code
✓ src/python/pants/backend/awslambda/python/ succeeded.
on clean main,
Copy code
commit fbed3e15e4ba4c5e5e83a37c1fd932e5bd9734d4 (HEAD -> refs/heads/main, refs/remotes/upstream/main)
Author: Eric Arellano <>
Date:   Wed Apr 28 17:38:31 2021 -0700
(did not clean out any cache or other data from previous runs…)
Hm maybe I should update to 11.3 too to reproduce
@polite-garden-50641 could you try running this please?
Copy code
❯ pex setproctitle
Python 3.9.4 (default, Apr  4 2021, 17:42:23)
[Clang 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import setproctitle
It'd be great to isolate this to Pex if possible and remove the variable of Pants
afk rn, will try as soon as I’m back
Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 1.33.02 PM.png
how do i get pex in my path ?
I personally like to use pipx to install Pex. But you can also do `pip install pex`:
Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 2.02.48 PM.png
Thank you. Now can you please try with
included, given that you were using Py38 with Pants?
on which scope ?
Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 2.10.28 PM.png
This is using Pex,
pex --interpreter-constraint='CPython==3.8.*' setproctitle
, then trying to import in the repl
Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 2.12.50 PM.png
Great! That's what I was hoping would happen. It looks like setproctitle is broken on the new macOS and Python 3.8. This is not a Pants bug This is relevant: The linked StackOverflow post suggets reinstalling your Python
👍 1