<@UB2J9BQA0>: one more thought re: lockfile names:...
# development
@hundreds-father-404: one more thought re: lockfile names: if we really need to try and support the exact same lockfile format/filename someone could probably symlink from whatever name we choose to the location that poetry is expecting
another thought here: poetry and pants both consuming the same lockfile (i.e. a resolve output) seems much less important than their both being able to consume the same requirements(.txt) (i.e. a resolve input). in both cases the lockfile is automatically generated, so whether there is one or two seems immaterial
Meaning: the new
macro reads pyproject.toml and unlocks Pants generating its own lockfile, like it would normally? Do not expect users to do
poetry export
manually. That's a good point
(i mean, yes, hypothetically you could run pants and poetry 15 minutes apart and get some just-released version of a library in one of them but not the other, but that seems worth the risk.)
The resolver is different between Poetry and Pex/pip, but that might be fine