I had a PR time out while building Rust crates. Is...
# development
I had a PR time out while building Rust crates. Is any one else seeing slow PR build times? (context is https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/12522/checks?check_run_id=3284242628)
and the time out happened even after I restarted the job
I've seen macOS time out probably once every a week for the past two months or so, sometimes the build wheels shard and sometimes build engine
is there any way to force the other macOS shards to wait for the shard that actually was supposed to build engine?
github actions forces rebuilding the whole job and not just the parts that failed, so is a bit annoying to have time outs like this
is there any way to force the other macOS shards to wait for the shard that actually was supposed to build engine?
That already happens. The build engine job is what timed out in your CI, not build wheels (used for release)
github actions forces rebuilding the whole job and not just the parts that failed, so is a bit annoying to have time outs like this
Agreed. Even worse I think would be making the Linux jobs now depend on the macOS build engine job to succeed, though