hey <@U06A03HV1> fyi the dynamic UI is showing up ...
# development
hey @witty-crayon-22786 fyi the dynamic UI is showing up in CI again, this time "Scheduling: Run Pytest for ..."
I was also trying to get a screnshot today but was too slow every time. When running a test, "Scheduling: Run Pytest" appears at the same time as the "Run Pytest" log in dynamic UI. They last for the same amount of time
Blargh. Will look tomorrow.
last time this correlated with slow/delayed cache hits. but afaict, things look fine during this period
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Perhaps reproducing the local issue may be insightful for fixing the CI issue?
yea, have seen it locally. maybe the next step is actually to bisect.
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hm, yea, something is awry here. in the case that i’m examining, the remote action cache lookup misses in a fraction of a millisecond, which means there should be no other work running under that workunit… only the local process
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Screen Shot 2021-08-19 at 14.28.49.png
cc @average-vr-56795: ^ our zipkin data is pretty complete at this point!
so, based on this… i think that this is not a cache bug, but a UI bug. i’m going to try that bisect.
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Very nice!!
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only trouble now with workunits is that many runs have 80k of them
(…and they are used to render the UI, and i don’t know why the one Eric is referring to is rendering right now… sigh)
Yeah, it's tricky! Particularly if you end up adding sever-side spans too - a span per input to every action on the server... It adds up
fwiw, still seeing this, and it’s bugging me. want to get patches posted for https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/12548 before looking at it though.