Hi guys, we are currently evaluating using pants a...
# development
Hi guys, we are currently evaluating using pants as company’s build system, our code comprised of multiple services that have different lock files that use shared libraries with their own requirements. I was reading the section on python 3rd party dependencies (https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/python-third-party-dependencies) and saw that pants doesn’t support locking multiple libraries and it says to to talk our use case
hey @helpful-jackal-12093! welcome.
an implementation is currently under way for multiple independent resolves/lockfiles
it will probably make the 2.8.x release, so most likely about 1.5 months from now.
but it’s only actually necessary if your multiple projects/libraries have incompatible deps
that is very good news actually!
👍 1
if they’re compatible, it’s possible to use the current facility
@helpful-jackal-12093: do you know whether the libraries have compatible deps? if you already have pants set up, i can explain how to check there… otherwise, can dump all of the deps into a single pyproject.toml or requirements.txt and see if they resolve
It’s not clear currently, but most likely we will end up in some situations that a higher module might cause a problem, but that won’t be a problem since we will fix the packaging constraints to resolve it. Is there a functional version that we can try out? it could really help us define our project now and give us a head start until the code is ready
not yet, but @hundreds-father-404 could probably point you to a tracking ticket for it
Hey John! Awesome to hear you're interested in this, although also agreed with Stu that it's often simplest to use a single lockfile when possible @ancient-vegetable-10556 and I are sprinting right now to stabilize this week a precursor feature: tool lockfiles, which allow you to have a dedicated lockfile per tool for things like Black and Pytest. That lays a good foundation for the followup of multiple user lockfiles, which will become our next highest priority. This is all tracked in https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/projects/20
this is great news - thank you
Hey @helpful-jackal-12093, see https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/12734 for a big milestone in the project 🙂 If that lands and also the proposed design in the linked ticket #12714 is accepted, most of the design for this project will have been done. Then it's only some implementation of the design Feedback greatly appreciated on this!
awesome! this will really help us - we currently moved to a single lock file just to try out pants for current time so this (once merged and released) will allow us to use the full potential of poetry.
🙌 1
Great! Any feedback on the design? In case it's not clear, a key difference from poetry is that you can set individual files and packages to use distinct resolves, whereas poetry operates on the entire project / directory tree. Pants let's you be a lot more fine grained