Hi, I am noticing this on my ubuntu machine:
# development
Hi, I am noticing this on my ubuntu machine:
I don't use poetry directly... so this is just poetry running under pants..
I think we should probably configure it to not cache stuff since pants should be taking care of that... no? @hundreds-father-404
Their config setting doesn't work on macOS, you can't change the default 😬 part of why we're changing to Pex for lockfile generation in 2.8
this is on ubuntu..
Yeah but we didn't bother with changing the location on Linux because it would require special casing between macOS vs Linux and I was trying to stay focused I can go back and retroactively add this to 2.7 for Linux (not macOS) if it's important enough. cc @witty-crayon-22786 on priorities
Should be fine for now.
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I don't think this is important.
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this was more of an FYI