<@UB2J9BQA0>: there will be a few test failures (a...
# development
@hundreds-father-404: there will be a few test failures (at least one related to the “go_package defined in the same directory as a go_mod case”), but here is a draft: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/13245
👀 1
the diff doesn’t really tell the story as well as running
./pants dependencies ::
will, but the Address constructor edits all fix errors like:
Copy code
ValueError: The address `foo#./pkg` is not generated by the `go_mod` target `foo`, which only generates these addresses:

  * foo/cmd
  * foo/pkg

Did you mean to use one of those addresses?
Copy code
ValueError: The address `//:mod#./greeter/quoter` is not generated by the `go_mod` target `//:mod`, which only generates these addresses:

  * //:mod
  * //:mod#<http://golang.org/x/xerrors|golang.org/x/xerrors>
  * //:mod#<http://golang.org/x/xerrors/internal|golang.org/x/xerrors/internal>
  * //greeter:mod
  * //greeter/quoter:../mod

Did you mean to use one of those addresses?
Thanks! So,
could conflict with a "default" target at
, right? Looks like
is ambiguous if it's the generated target vs. target generator, also. (Indeed, how to handle the same directory was one of the hardest edge cases for generated address syntax)
Mm, yes: good point. Might need to add or require a trailing slash to disambiguate.
I think that would actually allow us to know only based off an Address if something is a dir vs. file! No need to consult the filesystem Would we enforce that you must have the leading
when using an address literal, like in
field? Could be a common gotcha
trailing slash probably. And yea, we would... but by virtue of the other thing not existing, probably.